I like to dig up
a clump of my (annual) Red Fountain Grass and bring it inside for the winter to
start pots for next year. I usually dig the clump out of a large outside pot,
cut the top off, shake most of the leaves and debris off, put it in a large
plastic bowl and bring it inside. Where it usually sits for at least a month,
often longer. Last year, head hanging in shame, I didn’t deal with it until
March. This year, because of last year, I dealt with the clump a mere 36 hours
after I brought it inside!! I now have 6 pots of roots with skinny stalks. I
know they don’t look like much, but just wait. I have confidence they will
become beautiful, full, clumps of Red Fountain Grass just waiting to go outside
in May.

And, because
nothing else is blooming outside, here is my Halloween Cactus. Yeah, it is
supposed to be a Christmas Cactus. However, every year, for the last 25 years,
it has bloomed earlier and earlier. This year, first bloom on Halloween. It is
almost done now, but still pretty. I have a younger one that has just set buds.
I think it will open in about 7-10 days.
~~ All is safely
gathered in, ere the winter storms begin. ~~