Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Orchid and Irises

About 2 to 2 ½ years ago, I was given a gift of an orchid plant. It was in bloom at the time. It continued to bloom for about 6 months. I have never tried orchids and was impressed with the long bloom time. But, when it got to the point where the last full bloom fell off and there was one somewhat shriveled bud on the flower stalk, I cut the stalk off (two of them, actually). I repotted the plant in a larger container (being careful to use “orchid potting mix”) and waited. And waited. And waited about a year. Then, finally, last winter, a flower stalk started. And, now, in May, it has blossomed beautifully. At this moment, it has not one, not four, but NINE open blossoms!

And outside, the irises are looking beautiful!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Things are Looking Blue

This time of year, my garden takes on a decided “blue” tone. I realized this a number of years ago. I think it is a bit funny because I do not seek out blue flowers. Part of it is lavender (which I realize is not “blue”), but the overall effect is “blue”. I’ve got some blue salvia (May Nights) just starting. I’ve got assorted blue iris, blue columbine, and blue/lavender wood hyacinth. Also, the (lavender) dwarf lilacs add to the picture.

Variegated Iris

Columbine - I let it wander where it wants to. Some years, I get a lot; sometimes not quite as much. It is easy enough to pull out when it is finished flowering if I think it is in the way. Right now, these are spread through my front beds.

 Wood Hyacinth

 Different iris (I think of these as "Delft", but I do not know their true name).

Petunia (love the speckled effect, although I would prefer it was magenta)

 And, the dwarf lilacs

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Getting Pots Ready for Annuals

After a very brief burst of 80 degrees, it has gotten cold again (actually closer to long term average). We had a frost warning 2 days ago and actual frost about 8 days ago. I have been impatiently biding my time before I buy annuals. I’ve gotten 2.5 yards of mulch spread around the yard (a bit late because some little things already popped up and are now covered). Also started sifting and refreshing my flower pots. I save the pots (and the potting mix) from year to year. If possible, I pull the old flower stalks/roots out in November before I put the pots in the garage to rest. In spring sometime, I dump each pot into a big tub I have and then I sift and hack and chop up the mess to pull out as many roots, root balls, and slimy tubers/whatnots as I can. What is left gets juiced up with some slow release fertilizer, some water-saving crystals, and perhaps some peat and then put back into my flower pots. At the end, I usually have to add some new potting mix. Here are a few that are finished, and waiting for annuals. I have my 3 largest flower pots to finish (but, of course, those have the worst root balls since they all held red fountain grass).

The trays are from my garage, and most of those plants made it. Also, the one as yet unidentified thing in the hanging basket (yeah, I shoulda kept the tag!)

And, here is a new outdoor plant stand that I picked up from the curb while out for a walk a few weeks ago!