About 2 to 2 ½ years
ago, I was given a gift of an orchid plant. It was in bloom at the time. It
continued to bloom for about 6 months. I have never tried orchids and was
impressed with the long bloom time. But, when it got to the point where the
last full bloom fell off and there was one somewhat shriveled bud on the flower
stalk, I cut the stalk off (two of them, actually). I repotted the plant in a
larger container (being careful to use “orchid potting mix”) and waited. And
waited. And waited about a year. Then, finally, last winter, a flower stalk
started. And, now, in May, it has blossomed beautifully. At this moment, it has
not one, not four, but NINE open blossoms!
And outside, the
irises are looking beautiful!