Friday, September 30, 2016

The Start of Autumn

Autumn is upon us in my area. The beginning of this month was quite warm, hot even, but now, at the end of September things have changed over. Days are reaching for 70’s and nights are in the 50’s. And rain, plenty of rain. We’ve also been getting a lot of wind. Some of my pots are top-heavy and I awake nearly daily to find them like this.


The Sweet Autumn Clematis is done with its blooms, but the seed heads are forming. Cute little feathers!

The Joe Pye Weed took over the “fluffy white” duties from the Clematis.

My ‘Fireworks’ Goldenrod is peak right now.

And the bees love it!

The Fall Anemone is bouncy and cheerful.

My ‘Limelight’ Hydranga is a rusty pink, which I find pretty, but not what I expected. And, if it is going to be pink, it is in the wrong place because it is in front in my white-yellow-blue triangle. It was whiteish-green this summer. I’ll have to find out if this is typical behavior.

The Knockout Roses have perked up now that the infidel Japanese beetles are gone.

The Chard that I planted for color has intensified.

And, some late starting Cleome finally bloomed.

This is my favorite time of year!

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