Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Prairie Smoke Seedheads

I have a lot of Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) plants lining an area in my front yard beds. They are slightly in front of the mums (and sometimes in between the mums). Plus a few more scattered about the rest of my garden. They bloom in mid spring, go to seed, and then are done. But, the foliage is attractive and makes a nice green background. This isn’t a very showy plant; you can hardly see it from the street. But, I like it.

Here is a pic of the blooms from a few weeks ago.

Here is a pic of a few of the plants – they are only about 8 inches tall.

Here is a recent pic from one that has a seedhead now.

 I think it's cute!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Burst of Early June Blooms

We left to visit relatives for a few days and came back to a burst of blooms on several plants. None were blooming when I left.

Knockout Roses (with Columbine) and Nearly Wild Roses





Mock Orange (I don't know why the leaves near the flowers always get brown edges)


Last of my Irises

Coral Bells

Gas Plant (it is pinker than this pic makes it seem)

Summer Allium (the foliage is not from them)