Monday, October 31, 2016

Winding Down in my Garden

We've had a good fall! Decent warmth (relatively), not too much rain during the days, a bit of frost, but not real hard frost yet.

Lots of yellow leaves when I look around my garden. Yellow in the hostas, Redbud, Linden, Birch. Some reds from the Barberries and the Ninebarks, but it is more subdued.

Plenty of pops of color from the mums, but you have to be looking at them to notice. I gaze out my kitchen window and daydream about what I might change for next year.

I’ve got a lot of plants already cut down and cleaned up in the back and along the sides of the house. In my neighborhood, you can rake all the leaves and plant debris to the street for pickup. The city makes about 2 passes between Oct 15 and Nov 15 or so.

The mums in front are looking “fabulous, dahling”! These ones I leave until the bitter end. Sometimes, I don’t even cut the front areas back until March or so.

You can see a couple of late blooming snapdragons in the pic below.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day October 2016

Some of the pretties blooming right now in my garden .....

The stars right now are mums!

Mandevilla Vine still looks good even though we had a frost.

Late blooming Cleome

Fall Anemonee still going

I don’t know what this really is, but heard it called Mexican Daisy

Pincushion Flower


 Nearly Wild Rose

Joe Pye Weed

Castor Bean

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Found a Peanut

Someone in my neighborhood feeds the critters peanuts. I frequently find shells in my yard. This spring, when I was digging up weeds, I found a peanut that had sprouted. When I dug up the second or third sprouted peanut, I thought it would be fun to see what would happen if I let it grow. I moved it to a better location (out of my mum bed), and put a marker by it. Here it is.

As I was doing some garden cleanup today, I decided to dig the plant out and see what had happened. I got some baby peanuts!

I’m not actually going to do anything with it, so it all went into the yard waste heap. But, I thought it was an interesting experiment!

My Knockout Roses are getting new blooms.

As are my Nearly Wild Roses.