Thursday, September 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day September 2016

Some of the pretties blooming right now in my garden .....

Goldenrod ‘Fireworks’ - just wait until it is fully open!!

Fall Anemone

Spring Anemone – Still!! (not as impressive as in spring, but it puts up blooms from April to November)

Balloon Flower a new flush of blooms (with some pink Phlox and white Pincushion Flower in the background)

Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ - just starting to turn red

Clematis ‘Sweet Autumn’ - overwhelming scent!!

Joe Pye Weed ‘Chocolate’ (the leaves are purple-green)

Butterfly Bush ‘Nanho Purple’ – Still! - smells like grape soda

Castor Bean - still impressive - this was fun, I'm going to try to save seeds again

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. An autumn Clematis! Beautiful! I must get one for myself!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. Thank you! The Sweet Autumn is reliable (for me) and a little aggressive ;-)

  2. Wonderful blossoms! You have so many different types of flower and they are all uniquely lovely.
