Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day November 2016

Hardly anything blooming – we’ve had a hard frost.
Honeysuckle Vine

Spring Anemone (with crispy leaves)


Mums – although well past prime showing

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. More blooms than I have. Just two knock-out roses still blooming. At this rate I may have roses for Thanksgiving

  2. Your mums may be prime but they are still pretty. I haven't been able to see if my Japanese Anemone (could that be what your "spring anemone" is?) has any blooms yet. It did on Sunday, but then we had our freeze.

    1. The spring anemone is almost surely Anemone Sylvestris. It puts on a splendid show in spring and then continues to send up a bloom or two all growing season. It is short, leaves about 6-8", flower stalk about 10-15". My Japanese Anemones don't start blooming until August or so.

  3. Even with the frost you still got some good colors there. Thanks for dropping by my site.

  4. Your mums still look good and I enjoyed your remaining outdoor flowers. Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy GBBD!
